Jacksonville DUI Lawyer to Fight Suspended License
Do Not Give Up Your License Without a Fight
There two different proceedings for those charged with driving under the influence. While the legal case to determine a verdict and penalties is handled in court, the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will independently determine to revoke, suspend or review your driving privileges. Your license is automatically revoked when you are arrested and the arresting officer then issues a temporary permit. As long as the driver had a valid driver’s license before the DUI and it is their first DUI, they have 10 days to apply for the DMV administrative review hearing after the arrest.
The firm of Lockett Law, P.A., handles a variety of different legal and administrative issues revolving around DUI, licenses suspension and related issues. Serving clients throughout northeast Florida, we have the experience and the resources to be a tremendous help to those who wish to maintain their ability to drive.
How an Attorney Can Help
We are familiar with the administrative review hearing process and provide guidance for the best possible chance for success. We can help our clients with the following:
- File the request for the hearing within the 10-day window.
- Provide guidance for the prehearing statement by the driver.
- Subpoena witnesses for your defense.
- Represent clients during the hearing.
Sometimes a driver’s license is suspended for other non-DUI-related violations. We can go through the administrative process for this as well.
What is a Hardship License?
Sometimes referred to as a workers’ permit, a hardship license enables individuals to keep driving on a limited basis, usually for work, even if you lose your administrative review hearing. There are two common types of hardship licenses:
Work purposes only: This limits the individual employment-related driving only.
Business purposes only: These allow driving related to your job, such as commuting to and from work, school, driving at work as well as driving to church or doctor visits.
Need to Fight for Your Driver’s License?
Contact us today by calling our offices in Jacksonville at 904-858-9818 to schedule a free consultation with a Jacksonville DUI lawyer. We also respond to messages through our contact page.